
Friday, April 14, 2017

Ice Out and Other Signs of Spring

Gunflint Lake
 I went for some nice walks today to look for signs of spring.  The biggest signs were the open water in Lonely Lake, and the very dark ice on Gunflint Lake.  When the ice turns very dark (almost black), it means ice-out is soon.  I'm really looking forward to the progression of spring, when we see more green plants, flowers, returning birds, awakening animals, and open water.

Lonely Lake
I have also seen the return of many types of birds.  The Red-winged Blackbird, the Common Grackle, the Chipping Sparrow, the American Robin, and the Mallard Duck are just a few examples of what I saw today.

Many of the hibernating animals are also getting up.  There has been a reliable sighting of a black bear, and I have seen both the Eastern Chipmunk, and the Least Chipmunk.  The Red Squirrels also seem to be establishing their territories for the summer.

The first Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) on Gunflint Lake.

This Least Chipmunk (Tamias minimus) is awake after a winter of semi-hibernation.
It is the smaller, but more carnivorous of the two species of chipmunks in the area. 

This Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) was awake the whole winter, but seems ready for spring!

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