
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

In the Beginning...

My name in John Silliman.  I live in Cook County, Minnesota, about an hour drive from Lake Superior.  The area that I live in is sparsely populated, but we have a thriving community which has given me many opportunities that I might not otherwise have had.  My paying job is as a Naturalist.  I volunteer as a Fire Fighter and Emergency Medical Responder with the Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Department.  My other main volunteering endeavor is as a Radio Host with North Shore Community Radio.

Since I have been up here, I have been learning how to play many different types of musical instruments.  I started out playing the piano as a child (which is a great first instrument), and in the last ten years, I have taken up the guitar, mountain dulcimer, banjo, mandolin, bodhran, spoons, Irish whistle (also known as the penny whistle), fife, Native American flute, mouth harp, harmonica, and most recently the fiddle.  My goal is to work my way through most of the Celtic and Bluegrass instruments.

My posts will be about the things listed above, along with other stories from my life in Minnesota.  Welcome to my blog.

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