
Friday, March 17, 2017

Greater White-fronted Geese and American Wigeons

Greater White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons)
I went down to Grand Marais for my Thirsty Boots Show on Thursday, and got a chance to get some birding in as well.  There were reports of a flock of rare Greater White-fronted Geese near the Grand Marais harbor earlier in the week by Aaron and Sarah, and Aaron confirmed that they were still in the Rec Park when I saw him in town.

When I got there, I saw a half dozen of the geese, along with a couple of American Wigeons.  The geese in the pictures are larger, and have white faces.  The American Wigeons are smaller, and have blue bills.  I saw some American Wigeons last fall up at Gunflint Lake, but the Greater White-fronted Goose is a new species for my life list.

Greater White-fronted Geese and American Wigeons
American Wigeons (Anas americana)
Grand Marais Harbor, Minnesota

My radio show on Thursday was a part of the spring pledge drive for the WTIP, North Shore Community Radio Station.  It is fun to be on the air during those drives because we have a co-host, and other people at the station.  We often times have our listeners stop by as well.  Normally, I am alone in the studio during my music shows.

I had a great co-host (Jana), and the time went by really quickly.  It was great to see all the support for our community programming.

I'll be on again this Sunday for Polka Time (5 - 6 PM), and Classic Country (6 - 9 PM).  This was the first full day of the drive, and that will be the last full day.

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