
Friday, April 20, 2018

Aurora Borealis at Gunflint Lake

Last night, I was delighted with a beautiful display of the Northern Lights at Gunflint Lake.  At 10:00 PM, they looked like a green fog on the northern horizon.  As the evening progressed, distinct curtains formed, and red and pink sections starting appearing.  The Aurora Borealis flashed rapidly across the sky, covering larger and larger areas.

I finally figured out how to take Aurora pictures with my newer camera.  The first one is below; I did not get all the branches out of the way.  However, it was great to see the green background behind the red branches.  All my best pictures were done using a 60-second exposure, a tripod, and the "Starry Night" setting on my camera.

I took some  from inside at about 1:30 AM.  Try as I might, I could not pull myself away from viewing the incredible show until about quarter to two.  If I didn't have to work the next day, I probably would have stayed up later, as the Aurora were still going strong.

The crescent waxing moon was not bright enough to wash out the Aurora, but it was still a beautiful sight!

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