
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

What is Emergency Service?

I recently conducted the annual meeting of the Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association.  As president of that organization, I like to do a short speech, in which I acknowledge the emergency responders, their families, and special guests, as well as saying a few words about what it means to serve others.  These words are relevant to firefighters, emergency medical personnel, military personnel, law enforcement, and anyone else who gives of themselves, for something greater than themselves.

Service is:

Getting up on the middle of the night and heading out into the storm to help someone in need.

Sacrificing a piece of yourself, to help someone who you’ve never even met.

Running toward the fire, when everyone else is running away.

Helping someone in need, who is someone’s mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, or friend.

Giving everyone your highest level of care.

Saving other lives, while risking your own.

Meeting people at their worst, and doing your best.

Enacting the Chain of Survival, while perpetuating the Chain of Love.

Having your actions made a difference in the world.

Thank you to all who serve to make the world a better place.

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