
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Supermoon Halo

Happy New Year!

According to, tonight's full super perigee moon looks as much as 8% wider, and 16% brighter than the average full moon.  It appears to be the biggest and brightest full moon of 2018.  This is due to the oval orbit of the Moon around the Earth.  When the full moon is at perigee, it is more than 50,000 km closer to our planet than when it is at the point furthest from Earth, known as apogee.

The halo in the picture is caused by the light bending as it travels through the ice crystals in the atmosphere.  It was actually a bit of an advantage to have light cloud cover tonight.  The pictures below were taken in three different spots around Grand Marais, MN.  One was from the Coast Guard/Artist Point parking lot, the next was from the Grand Marais Municipal Campground, and the last one was at the WTIP Radio Station before my show:

Supermoon Halo from the Coast Guard/Artist Point Parking Lot

Supermoon Halo from the Grand Marais Municipal Campground

Part of Grand Marais, and the Grand Marais Lighthouse are also visible.

Supermoon Halo from the WTIP, North Shore Community Radio Station

The light on the left is one of the street lights on Highway 61.

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