
Sunday, June 25, 2017

First Public Fiddle Performance

I started playing the fiddle again last September for the first time since fourth grade.  Since then, I have practiced nearly every day.

I told myself when I got this new instrument that I needed to practice throughout the winter, and would wait until summer to play in front of the public.  Since we just passed the summer solstice, I decided that it was time to go in front of an audience.

I chose to debut my new instrument at the Folk Music Show I did tonight.  It was a small audience in the nature center in which I work.

I came in early to tune up and warm up.  After tuning the guitar, mountain dulcimer and mandolin, I tuned up my fiddle, tightened the horse hairs and put rosen on the bow.  I played several frequently practiced songs, and also worked on a Civil War era song called "Lorena."

By the time the audience arrived, I had decided on three songs that I knew I could to well: "Boil 'em Cabbage Down," "Shortnin' Bread", and "Lorena."  I integrated the first two songs into the introductory set, and used the last one in my Civil War set.  All three songs went well.  Now I feel like I can officially call myself a Fiddler.

In the next week, I also plan to play my fiddle in my Classic Country Music Show, and my Celtic Music Show.  In the coming years, I look forward to learning how to play the fiddle a lot better.  I feel like I have just passed the beginning of a great life-long musical journey.

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