
Monday, July 20, 2020

Hiking in the Cascade River State Park

Ellie and I spent much of the day today hiking in the Cascade River State Park.  We hiked in along the River Trail, taking in the various waterfalls.  Eventually, we turned away from the river, and hiked up Lookout Mountain on one trail, and back on a trail less traveled.  Here are some pictures from this fun day!
Ellie at the Mouth of the Cascade River

Cascade River Flowing under Highway 61 into Lake Superior

Ellie Cooling Down in the Cascade River

Hiking Trail

Cascade Falls

Ellie Enjoying One of the Numerous Waterfalls

We hiked on the highlighted trail.

Lookout Mountain Overlook

Superior Hiking Trail

Ellie on Lookout Mountain


96 Steps to the River

Cascade River Well Above Most of the Waterfalls
